Melon Demon Island Update Plans

First of all, I just want to say thanks to everyone who gave their feedback on this game, and for all the encouragement. It's all greatly appreciated, and has given me a confidence boost that I think I really needed. You all have no idea how much this all meant!

Now, to the point of this post, I just want to quickly clarify what I'll be doing next. My plan is to release one update for Melon Demon Island sometime soon to (hopefully) add controller support and fix whatever bugs I'm able to. One thing I specifically want to touch on is how a lot of people noted that the jump mechanics in the game need some work. I will see what I can do about fixing this, but I can't promise I'll be able to fix the jump mechanics mainly for two reasons:

1. The levels are designed around the jump mechanics as they are, so it's possible tweaking them too much would actually make the game less playable. While in theory I could just redesign the levels, this would take a lot of time and effort which I think would be better spent figuring out the plans for my next project.

2. I'm not sure how much I can fix the jump mechanics without completely redoing how they work. Again, the time and effort this would take is probably better spent preparing for a new project at this point.

I assure you, however, that any lesson and feedback I've gotten from Melon Demon Island will be taken to heart for future projects. To be honest, I'd never even attempted making any sort of platformer before this, so this was an invaluable learning experience on platforming mechanics!

After I release the update, my work on Melon Demon Island will be finished, and I'll be moving on to something new. I'll talk a bit more about that in the postmortem devlog, which I'll be posting with the update!

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